7 rue Cuvier
75005 Paris
Responsibilities inside unit
Co-directeur de l’équipe RODEO
Membre du Comité de Direction
Responsable de la structure chargée du Bien être animal aquatique
Responsibilities outside unit
A intégré le groupe de travail sur les perturbateurs endocriniens (GT PE III) à l’ANSES (Agence nationale de sécurité sanitaire de l’alimentation, de l’environnement et du travail). Nos missions sont de répondre aux sollicitations d’autres groupes d’experts de l’ANSES sur la question des PE mais également d’évaluer des substances chimiques dans le cadre de la stratégie nationale sur les perturbateurs endocriniens (SNPE).
A participé au groupe d’urgence créé par l’ANSES pour la relecture du guide pour l’identification des perturbateurs endocriniens soumis à consultation publique en décembre 2017/Janvier 2018.
A participé à différents groupes de réflexion au sein de l’OCDE et pour manager de reviews sur des Adevrse Outcome Pathways (AOP 54 et 42) (
Projets européens : 2019 – 2023 ATHENA, Assays for the identification of thyroid hormone axis-disrupting chemicals: elaborating novel assessment strategies. EU H2020 2019 – 2023 ENDPOINTS, Novel testing strategies for endocrine disruptors in the context of developmental neurotoxicity. EU H2020 2017 – 2021 HBM4EU, European Human Biomonitoring Initiative. EU H2020 2015 – 2019 EDC-MixRisk, Integrating Epidemiology and Experimental Biology to Improve Risk Assessment of Exposure to Mixtures of Endocrine Disruptive Compounds. EU H2020 Projets Hors UE 2017 – 2021 GEPETHO, Gestation Pesticide et Thyroïde, PNRPE 2018-2021 CANDYFROG, Validation d’un modèle amphibien pour l’étude des effets métaboliques trangénérationnels des perturbateurs endocriniens, PNREST 2019-2022 MADONNA, impact d’une mixture de molécules chimiques sur la Différenciation en Oligodendrocytes des cellules souches Neurales : lien avec la sclérose en plaques, PNREST
- June 2024 — Lithium and endocrine disruption: A concern for human health?. Lithium is a key medication for the treatment of psychiatric disorders and is also used in various industrial applications … Environment International , , p. 108861,ISSN1873-6750
- December 2023 — Pressures of the urban environment on the endocrine system: Adverse effects and adaptation. With an increasing collective awareness of the rapid environmental changes, questions and theories regarding the adaptability… Mol. Cell. Endocrinol. , , p. 112125,ISSN1872-8057
- June 2023 — Short and long term effects of chlorpyrifos on thyroid hormone axis and brain development in Xenopus laevis. INTRODUCTION: The extensive use of the insecticide chlorpyrifos (CPF) throughout the world has brought increased scrutiny on… Neuroendocrinology vol. 113, n° 12, p. 1298-1311,ISSN1423-0194
- March 2023 — Limits of the regulatory evaluation of resorcinol as a thyroid disruptor: When limited experimental data challenge established effects in humans. Severe hypothyroidism has been reported in humans during resorcinol therapeutic use. However, available data highlight… Environ Res vol. 222, , p. 115330,ISSN1096-0953
- March 2023 — From Cohort to Cohort: A Similar Mixture Approach (SMACH) to Evaluate Exposures to a Mixture Leading to Thyroid-Mediated Neurodevelopmental Effects Using NHANES Data. Prenatal exposure to a mixture (MIX N) of eight endocrine-disrupting chemicals has been associated with language delay in… Toxics vol. 11, n° 4, p. 331,ISSN2305-6304
- February 2023 — Implementation of effect biomarkers in human biomonitoring studies: A systematic approach synergizing toxicological and epidemiological knowledge. Human biomonitoring (HBM) studies have highlighted widespread daily exposure to environmental chemicals. Some of these are… Int J Hyg Environ Health vol. 249, , p. 114140,ISSN1618-131X
- January 2023 — A Mixture of Chemicals Found in Human Amniotic Fluid Disrupts Brain Gene Expression and Behavior in Xenopus laevis. Thyroid hormones (TH) are essential for normal brain development, influencing neural cell differentiation, migration, and… Int J Mol Sci. vol. 24, n° 3, p. 2588,ISSN1422-0067
- 2023 — [Disruptors of thyroid hormones: Which consequences for human health and environment?]. Endocrine disruptors (EDs) of chemical origin are the subject of numerous studies, some of which have led to measures aimed at… Bio Aujourd'hui vol. 217, n° 3, p. 219-231,ISSN2105-0686
- 2023 — The highly and perpetually upregulated thyroglobulin gene is a hallmark of functional thyrocytes. Abnormalities are indispensable for studying normal biological processes and mechanisms. In the present work, we draw attention… vol. 11, , p. 1265407,ISSN2296-634X
- January 2023 — Transient developmental exposure to low doses of bisphenol F negatively affects neurogliogenesis and olfactory behaviour in adult mice. Neural stem cells in the murine subventricular zone (SVZ) reactivate during postnatal development to generate neurons and glia… Environ Int . vol. 172, , p. 107770,ISSN1873-6750